Founders Day Weekend Times and Happenings - July 13 to 14, 2024

Members and Friends,

Below is a rundown of the happenings this weekend with times.  We have also attached the Order of Service for The Founders Day Service to this email just in case you want to download to your device.  We never know how many to print on Founders Day.

Consider picking up a SPEC bag to take to your community or donating a gallon of blood as we continue being the largest volume donation site in Gadsden County.

Saturday July 13th:

6:00 PM: - Doors open for The Founders Day Eve concert - find a comfortable seat and fellowship.

6:30 PM - 7:45ish PM:  Founders Day Concert in The Parish Hall featuring Rev. Bill Dixon - there will be snacks and refreshments/wine available.  There is no charge for this event.  There will be a love offering box for Rev. Dixon and any other donations towards the refreshments are appreciated.

Sunday July 14th:

10:00 AM: 185th Founders Day Service led by The Right Rev. Scott Benhase, former Bishop of Georgia, and a word from The Embry Family stating what St. Paul's has meant to them. See Order of Service.

11:30ish AM: Fellowship in The Parish Hall with food and drink in The Parish Hall and we have a bake sale of delicious items made by members of St. Paul's.   Cash only please.  We will also have full SPEC bags of toiletries available for pickup and to take to those in need in your community - take as many as you need, they're free.

11:30 AM - 4:30 PM:  Blood drive on the church grounds with The Big Red Bus.    Appointments are nice but walk ons are welcome too.  This is the drive we break 40 gallons given all time as a church (we're currently at 39).

If you're on the fence about coming to any of the above, know that there is no dress code, no preconceived notions, no nothing.  We just want you to fellowship with us, enjoy and share in the thanks for the sorely needed upgrades to the church itself, and participate in our outreach ministries.

God Bless,

 St. Paul's Episcopal Church - Quincy, FL 

St. Paul's Website:

Online Tithe Link:  Online Giving Link - Click Here

Mother Tanya's 

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Weekly Update - July 15, 2024


Weekly Update - July 8, 2024 “Founders Day Weekend Edition”