Weekly Update - June 24, 2024

Members and Friends,

We continue to wish Mother Tanya safe travels as she spends the week at a convention in Louisville, KY.   Special thanks to Father Trexler from St. John's in Tallahassee who led the service last Sunday and will also do so this upcoming Sunday.   We also welcome Father Bret from Tallahassee over as we have our special Feast of St. Peter and St. Paul service this Saturday.  Details below.

 The video of June 23rd service can be seen here in two parts:  Sunday Worship Part 1 and Sunday Worship Part 2

Our July 14th Blood drive link is live.  Click this link to make an appointment:  July 14th Blood Drive Appointments - Click Here

The Feast of St. Peter and St. Paul Service will take place at 6:30 PM this Saturday evening, June 29th.  Father Bret Hays from Tallahassee is making the trip to Quincy and will lead the service and we look forward to you joining us as we honor our church namesake.

Resurfacing on The Parish Hall floors is set to begin this upcoming week. If you've seen the great job that has been done on the wood in our other common areas, we expect the same here as we wrap up our 2024 Capital Upgrades.  Thank you for your prayers and financial support of this project and we will forward to seeing the finished product together in July.  If you haven't made a donation and would still like to, it would still be greatly appreciated.

Sunday Morning Study Group returns Sunday July 7th.

Men's Steak Night for July will be moved back one week due to Independence Day.   We will meet and eat Thursday July 11th at 6:30 PM in The Parish Hall.

Founders Day Weekend 2024 is coming July 13-14.  Mark your calendars for a Saturday Night fun music concert on July 13th as we reopen our Parish Hall from our upgrades with a night of music and fun from Bill Dixon, formerly The Minister of Music at FBCQ for over 30 years. Doors open at 6:00 PM, with the show running from 6:30 to around 7:30.

This will be a time of fun music, hymns, and fellowship for all members and friends of St. Paul's. This is a FREE event, and a love offering will be taken and there will be complimentary light snacks and refreshments available and any donations towards those will be appreciated.

We're also doing this night of music as a thank you for all the donations we have received for the paint and flooring upgrades that will have taken place throughout the month of June.

This event will be followed on Sunday July 14th at 10:00 AM by our 185th Founders Day Service led by Bishop Benhase and a loving word from The Embry Family, and we invite you to join us for both!

Our next blood drive will be Sunday July 14th after the Founders Day service as well.

Our Essentials Pantry continues to donate hygiene items to those in need by calling the church for an appointment for pickup at 850-583-4440.  This ministry is now over 2 years old and has been a blessing to those who have hygiene needs in Gadsden County.  Our Amazon Wish List for fully tax deductible hygiene item donations to keep this ministry strong can be found here:  SPEC Needs Amazon Page

Servers for Sunday June 30th:

Eucharistic Minister:      Farner, J.

Reader:                               Wright

Ushers:                               Farmer/Blackman

Crucifer:                             Micah

Readings for this week:

2 Samuel 1:1, 17-27
Psalm 130
2 Corinthians 8:7-15
Mark 5:21-43

God Bless!

St. Paul's Episcopal Church - Quincy, FL 

St. Paul's Website:  https://www.stpaulsquincy.org/

Online Tithe Link:  Online Giving Link - Click Here

Mother Tanya's EmailRectorofSaintPaulsQuincy@gmail.com 

St. Paul's on FacebookSt. Paul's Facebook Page - Click Here


Weekly Update - July 1, 2024