Weekly Update - March 24th, 2025

Members and Friends,

We wish Mason a great move to Atlanta and best wishes on his new job!  If you missed this moment, go to the announcement time in this week's church video.

Remember that LEM training will be at St. Paul's this Friday at 5:30 PM.  Reach out to Mother Tanya this week for details.

Upcoming Services/Happenings of Note:

The next Lenten Soup and Study will be on Wednesday, March 26th, at 6:30 PM.   Come have a light meal and fellowship with your friends at St. Paul's in The Parish Hall. The materials are available from Hardie for $12.

The Next Stations of the Cross will be on Friday, 28 March at 6:30 PM

Sunday Morning Study Group continues this Sunday at 8:30 AM.  Grab a cup of coffee and join our regulars in The Parish Hall for conversation and prayer.

Our next blood drive will be Sunday May 4th

For more information on upcoming events, please check out St Paul’s Calendar.

United Thank Offering 

Boxes are available by speaking with Lou Armesto and we will be collecting UTO throughout the Lenten Season with ingathering on Easter Sunday.

SPEC Ministry

Our SPEC Ministry donates hygiene items to those in need by calling the church for an appointment for pickup at 850-583-4440.  This ministry is officially 3 years old and has been a blessing to those who have hygiene needs in Gadsden County.  Our Amazon Wish List for fully tax-deductible hygiene item donations to keep this ministry strong can be found here:  SPEC Needs Amazon Page

Thank you to all of you who have made purchases and donations. Please keep them coming; it’s for a great cause!

Servers for Sunday, March 30th:

Eucharistic Minister: Zak, D

Reader: Rogers

Ushers: Blackman/Chambliss

Crucifer: Micah

Church Video: Farmer

Readings for this week:

The video of the March 23rd service can be seen at this link:  March 23 Service Video - Click Here to watch

God Bless,

St. Paul's Episcopal Church - Quincy, FL 

St. Paul's Website:  https://www.stpaulsquincy.org/

Online Tithe Link:  Online Giving Link - Click Here

Mother Tanya's EmailRectorofSaintPaulsQuincy@gmail.com 

St. Paul's on FacebookSt. Paul's Facebook Page - Click Here

St. Paul's on YouTubeSt. Paul's Youtube Channel - Click Here


Weekly Update - March 17th, 2025