Weekly Update - September 16th, 2024

Members and Friends,

Game Night week is here and we have some more info on our Animal Blessing happening in early October. All the details are below!

The video of the September 15th service can be seen here: Sept 15th Service - Click Here to watch

Sunday Morning Study Group continues this Sunday at 8:30 AM.  Grab a cup of coffee and join our regulars in The Parish Hall for conversation and prayer.

Our SPEC Ministry donates hygiene items to those in need by calling the church for an appointment for pickup at 850-583-4440.  This ministry is over 2 years old and has been a blessing to those with hygiene needs in Gadsden County.  Our Amazon Wish List for fully tax-deductible hygiene item donations to keep this ministry strong can be found here:  SPEC Needs Amazon Page

Upcoming Services/Happenings of Note:

Each Week - Midweek Bible Study happens Wednesdays at 10:00 AM

September 18th - Monthly Game Night at 6 pm in The Parish Hall

October 6th—St. Francis Day Animal Blessing Service (In Memorial Garden)—We will once again sponsor St. Francis Wildlife and hope you'll consider a donation to their cause that day. Each pet blessed will receive a special certificate to take home with them this year!

October 31st - Bowls and Boos on the church grounds/Parish Hall. There will be a chili cookoff inside, and candy will be passed out to kids along King St—more details to follow.

Servers for Sunday, September 22nd:

Eucharistic Minister: Rogers

Reader: Wright

Ushers: Anderson/Blackman

Crucifer: Micah

Church Video: Armesto

Readings for this week:

Proverbs 31:10-31
Psalm 1
James 3:13-4:3, 7-8a
Mark 9:30-37

God Bless,

St. Paul's Episcopal Church - Quincy, FL 

St. Paul's Website:  https://www.stpaulsquincy.org/

Online Tithe Link:  Online Giving Link - Click Here

Mother Tanya's EmailRectorofSaintPaulsQuincy@gmail.com 

St. Paul's on FacebookSt. Paul's Facebook Page - Click Here

St. Paul's on YouTubeSt. Paul's Youtube Channel - Click Here


St. Paul’s Episcopal Church Hosts Blessing of the Animals


Weekly Update - September 9th, 2024