Weekly Update - September 2nd, 2024

Members and Friends,

We hope you have a peaceful and relaxing Labor Day.     It's officially time for Blue Mass and our Blood Drive this upcoming Sunday, join us in person for both!

The video of the September 1st service can be seen here: Sunday Worship Video 9/1/24 - Click Here to Watch

Our next Blood Drive will be this upcoming Sunday, and appointments can be made at this link:   Make a Sept 8th Blood Drive Appointment by clicking here

Sunday Morning Study Group continues this Sunday at 8:30 AM.  Grab a cup of coffee and join our regulars in The Parish Hall for conversation and prayer.

Our SPEC Ministry donates hygiene items to those in need by calling the church for an appointment for pickup at 850-583-4440.  This ministry is over 2 years old and has been a blessing to those with hygiene needs in Gadsden County.  Our Amazon Wish List for fully tax-deductible hygiene item donations to keep this ministry strong can be found here:  SPEC Needs Amazon Page

Our next blood drive will be Sunday September 8th and appointments can be made at this link:   Make a Sept 8th Blood Drive Appointment by clicking here

Upcoming Services/Happenings of Note:

September 5th - Men's T-Bone Thursday. Check out the Mens Steak Night Gallery so you can see what you’re in for. To get on the mailing list for the event, email quincy.st.pauls.men@gmail.com.

September 8th - Blue Mass: First Responders Appreciation Service with our special guest speaker from Quincy Police Dept. with Chief Carlos Hill and Blood drive after

September 8th - Blood Drive. Please help us save lives.  Make a Sept 8th Blood Drive Appointment by clicking here.

September 11th - Midweek Bible Study Wednesday at 10:00 AM

September 18th - Monthly Game Night at 6 pm in The Parish Hall

October 6th - St. Francis Day  Animal Blessing Service (In Memorial Garden)

October 31st - Bowls and Boos on the church grounds/Parish Hall.

Servers for Sunday, September 8th:

Eucharistic Minister:      Farmer, J

Reader:                              Rogers

Ushers:                              Blackman/Farmer, B

Crucifer:                            Micah

Church Video:                Farmer

Readings for this week:

Proverbs 22:1-2, 8-9, 22-23
Psalm 125
James 2:1-10, [11-13], 14-17
Mark 7:24-37

God Bless,

St. Paul's Episcopal Church - Quincy, FL 

St. Paul's Website:  https://www.stpaulsquincy.org/

Online Tithe Link:  Online Giving Link - Click Here

Mother Tanya's EmailRectorofSaintPaulsQuincy@gmail.com 

St. Paul's on FacebookSt. Paul's Facebook Page - Click Here

St. Paul's on YouTubeSt. Paul's Youtube Channel - Click Here


Weekly Update - September 9th, 2024


Blue Mass: First Responders Appreciation Service - A Celebration of Service and Sacrifice